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Benefits of EPBCS


Updated: Jan 15, 2021

When it comes to larger organizations there is a crucial need for thorough planning for various areas along with detailed, specialized models and real-time integration. Oracle is famous for filling the gap for the needs of rapidly evolving enterprises and Oracle’s Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (EPBCS) extends the Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (PBCS) platform creating an enhanced application making it a perfect fit for both corporate finance as well as operational planners. It allows operational planners to budget using several different methods, while enabling corporate finance to control data quality, transparency, cycle versions, and report distribution.

The major incentive of choosing EPBCS is that everything that you get in PBCS you also get in EPBCS. It helps to plan, budget and forecast more effectively and gives quick results for easy and cost-effective solutions. The frameworks are configurable according to the company requirements.

Benefits of EPBCS

1. Different out-of-the-box frameworks

  • Financial Statement Planning

  • Workforce Planning

  • Capital Asset Planning

  • Project Financial Planning

  • Strategic Modeling

These frameworks have a range of carefully integrated, detailed features and tools to give you the power of intuitive planning, modeling capabilities while interfacing external tools too.

2. Integration of different financial statements

The Financial Statement Planning framework enables users to integrate balance sheets with income statements and cash flow. Any changes on an income statement, will automatically update the balance sheet and cash flow. EPBCS also supports direct and indirect cash flow statements along with te leverage of trend-based planning.

3. Readily meets HR needs

The Workforce Planning in EPBCS attempts to address the needs of HR and Finance. It allows the department to plan by employee, or job code, for compensation-related expenses. It is a great resource for larger level enterprises with global operations. Users have the capability to align HR strategy with corporate priorties.

4. Intricate asset planning

Companies have the ability to track new and existing assets, as well as intangibles along with support for depreciation and amortization calculations, cash flow planning and funding for investment and much more. Along with the benefits of any asset-related planning along with automated process for transfers, improvements etc.

5. Driver-based planning for different areas

Organizations have internal projects for different areas such as IT, marketing, R&D and training etc. – the Project Financial Planning allows driver-based planning or both short-term and long-term projects. It allows individual employees drive, track and plan for their projects, revenues and expenses along with performance analysis.

6. Precise and varied modeling methods

Save time and get rid of manual and unreliable financial modeling methods. Strategic Modeling gives you the option of long-term planning, “what-if” modeling, corporate financials, treasury initiative etc. users have the option to simulate various scenarios and stress test different financial models

Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service is a powerful cloud solution that gets the processes up and running quickly along with tailoring the planning process according to the requirements of the enterprise.

For small, medium or large companies worldwide EPBCS helps solve enterprise-wide business based planning use cases. It has compelling benefits and amazing planning benefits making it an obvious choice

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